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André the new President of EXPERTsuisse Section Central Switzerland

20 September 2023

Congratulation 🎉 We are proud to announce that André has been elected President of EXPERTsuisse Section Central Switzerland. EXPERTsuisse (formerly Treuhand-Kammer) is the industry association of auditors, tax experts and fiduciary experts. EXPERTsuisse is particularly committed to the education and training of professionals and to the implementation of the various legal requirements in the fields of auditing, corporate finance, fiduciary services and taxation. Members of the professional association distinguish themselves through quality and professional work. For example, they are required to attend a sufficient number of continuing education courses each year in order to retain their membership but more important their top-nudge expertise.

With André's function as president, we are pleased to actively participate in the further development of our industry and to identify innovation and development at an early stage and to incorporate them into our work.